Join us for an in-depth discussion of Anakin and Padme's relationship as portrayed in the prequel trilogy, including: hair pin skillz, Force contraception, our poor attempts at dramatic line readings, and Star Wars daily calendar revelations. Please ignore the cameo by Europa's dog.
Intro and outro by Lobo Loco
Segment break by Podington Bear
Cantina Corner Recipes:
Europa: Toniray Wine (Wookieepedia)
Loya: Kylo Rye (
Discussion References:
Thrawn: Alliances by Timothy Zahn (2018)
Shout-out to author EK Johnston and Queen's Shadow
Star Wars: Darth Vader comic by Greg Pak and Raffaele Ienco (2020)
"Indiana Jones was an abusive creep (but he was almost much worse)" by Ben Kuchera, Polygon (2015)
Women in Refrigerators, website by Gail Simone
"'Fridging,' one of storytelling’s most noxious tropes, explained" by Aja Romano and Alex Abad-Santos, Vox (2018)
"Darth Vader Built His Castle To Resurrect Padmé" by Andrew Dyce, ScreenRant (2018)

Credit: u/Akroman01 (via Reddit)