Nostalgic candy commercials. Critical updates on Toys R Us. Mark Hamill being delightful. Embarrassing moments for Loya, the droids, and the whole cast of Sesame Street. Hear about it all on our episode dedicated to Star Wars and the Muppets!
Intro and outro by Lobo Loco
Segment break by Podington Bear
Cantina Corner Recipes:
Europa: Leapfrog Highball (The Drink Kings)
Loya: Cloud City Aviation (Maine Spirits)
Discussion References:
Into a Larger World Zine (sacredsomethingbykara)
M&M's commercial (1995)
Christmas M&M's commercial (2006)
Audi "Old Luxury" commercial (2011)
Pepsi commercial (1997)
Crazy Frog ringtones (clip here)
"Why Your Flu Medicine Gives You Trippy Dreams" by K Aleisha Fetters, Women's Health (2015)
The Parent Trap (1998)
"Movin' Right Along" by the Muppets
Secret options at Rip Ride Rockit
"U Can't Touch" by MC Hammer
Kool-Aid Man breaking through a wall (compilation here)
Space Ghost Coast to Coast (clip here)
Hyperspace Hoopla (clip here)
Sesame Street: C-3PO and R2D2 Visit Sesame Street (clip here)
Sesame Street: Blind Man's Bluff (clip here)
Sesame Street: Alphabet Song (clip here)
Sesame Street: R2D2 Finds Love (clip here)
Sesame Street: Number Song (clip here)
Sesame Street: We Can Still Be Friends (clip here)

Credit: Muppet Wiki